Geneva, Switzerland -
                    Annie Waite Gilmer - Pilates

SOQI Machines
Contact Us

Pilates Studio, Geneva, Switzerland.

Meet Annie Waite Gilmer
 - Pilates Instructor.


Annie is the Directrice of the Phénix Pilates Studio for Neuro Muscular Training.

Annie has a huge amount of knowledge and experience with intergrative therapies and alternative medicine.

Explore the various options available, then allow Annie to custom design the appropriate technique for you. 

Phénix Pilates Studio:
+41 (0) 22 301.81.88


Chi Machine
                                  and FIR Hothouse Dome
Alternative Healing Therapies.
The Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine combined therapy with the Far Infrared Dome. Two cutting edge, Japanese medical machines for home health and wellness.

Perfect for days you can't get outside, or for use as complimentary healing machines to combat health challenges, or simply to maintain health.

If intrigued, ask Annie about the machines and her experience with them.

Please contact Annie directly for questions and guidance, or to take a pilates class.

original chi
Original Chi Machine
Get your body moving!

Available USA or Canada only.

Grande Hothouse Dome

Far Infrared Dome Sauna
Gentle heat, Intense healing.

Available USA or Canada only.

This website is for informational and educational purposes and is not intended to provide individual medical advice which may be obtained from your chosen health practitioner. Chimachine4u does not claim that any HTE product presented herein will diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Always ask questions and research everything.
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