                    conversation with Arnon - Part 2


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More Conversation With Arnon.
Part Two - Part One


Personal Insights.

What is the craziest thing you have ever said (or done) at an interview and still got the job?

When the interviewer asked me about certain technologies, I told him that I didn't know them, and asked him about them. He was talking almost the entire interview. I got the job.

What's the greatest experience you've had when your flight was delayed?
I had never flown business class before. Coming back from the Philippines to Portland, OR, I had a 4 hour layover in Taiwan and another one in San Francisco ... I was up for a very broken night. I decided to pay $35 to go to my airline's lounge, which gives comfortable seating, WiFi, and a large buffet of food. For four hours, it was worth it.

About one hour in (after already having a great dinner), they asked me if they could change my flight. I would be in Taiwan for 8 hours, then jump flights in Seattle, and take a hopper to Portland. They gave me access to a recliner chair in a private room (so now I got 7 hours of sleep), and upgraded me to business class.

For those of you who have never experienced international business class, there were hot moist towels all the time, so I felt refreshed (since I was already well rested, I didn't need to sleep on the flight). The seats recline all the way back and there is no seat next to me. I got to pick my movies/shows on the screen (that's becoming more common these days). Food was first class quality.

Suffice it to say that my trip went from a sleepless night to a dream vacation in itself. I have a rule now that if my layover is more than 2 hours, I go to the airline's lounge. It probably wouldn't be THIS good in the US (US first class is worse than international business class), but the amenities are worth it, and there are possible upgrades.

Are relationships on the Internet really real?
Relationships exist at multiple levels:
- Physical
- Emotional
- Mental
- Spiritual

In college, I had a couple of internet (and eventually phone) romantic relationships. Although the physical is strongly missed, since it is not there, the other levels are much more intense. The bond feels stronger, much faster (maybe too fast) than when the physical relationship is not there.

Since you were not specific to romantic relationships, I work in an international company, and have build strong mental-level relationships with people whom I have never met. When the IM turns green, that has the same effect as them coming into the office. IMs feel like having a conversation over the cube wall. I have built quite good friendships with these people whom I have never seen. Of course, the relationships get stronger with those whom I am also on the phone with 5 times a day.

And I have a depth of mental relationship with you people on Quora, this knowledge/idea network, that is completely different.

So, in my opinion, these are not superficial. Only those who believe that physical is the most important would say so.

Is it more selfish to have children or to remain childless?
I had a friend once who said it was selfish to want YOUR OWN child, when there are so many children out there needing a loving parent. He adopted.

What are the things/customs you do or follow without any reason?
I'm a white guy and I don't write in or highlight book pages, though I learned it in adulthood. It's a gesture of respect to the knowledge in the book and the author of the book. The same with pointing feet towards the teacher of a class. Since I was a kid, I never wrote in books for the same reason (though I don't know where I learned that ... everyone around me did).
May 28th 2013


The Mind.


How much untapped brain power exists in the world?

Since the explanation of the question refers to mental power (not the physical computing capacity of the brain), I will answer to that framing of the question.

I have found that a lot of people are great at focus, they just focus on the wrong that they received 20 years or 20 minutes ago, rather than focusing on the solution which would improve their and others lives.

I have found that a lot of people understand numbers and math, but apply it to baseball or gambling or gaming, rather than economics and saving for the up and down cycles in their lives.

I have found that a lot of people understand their limits (whether their own or imposed by others), but choose to stay within them (very precisely and carefully in some cases), rather than regularly making the effort to step beyond them. This is also a use of mental power.

I have found that a lot of people apply their mental power to understanding the people around them, rather than math and science. This is just as valid a use of mental power. My brother, for example, is a social genius ... though I'm not faulting his math and science.

I don't think that mental power is unused, but rather misused (based on the speaker's perception). When people are told they don't apply themselves, that just means they are not applying the mental power to what the speaker believes they should. I have found that a lot of people make choices in life that others don't agree with.

That being said, there are those who can apply more of their mental power to positive, rather than destructive (self-destructive or externally destructive), endeavors. How many? 100% of humanity.  Every single one of us, even the most positive, has some place we put mental effort where it detracts from our lives. Every single one of us has the capacity to improve our lives every day through the proper application of mental effort.

Is it possible to be really smart in some ways and really stupid in some others?
Geeks who read Quora tend to be intellectually smart. Socially smart is another story ... or is that just me :)

How can you tell if someone is smart?
By the questions they ask.

Anyone can talk in depth about a subject they have spent a lot of time on, but how many willingly open their minds continuously to expand further? They must question and then LISTEN to the answer (I know many who question and then keep talking.)

Does being extremely smart make you lonely?
Smarts do not make you lonely. Arrogance about how smart you are is what drives people away and makes you lonely. If you are really smart, you should study what makes people like people more (e.g. humility, joyfulness, talking to people at their own level) and implement those practices.

How would you define intelligence?
The ability to question appropriately and LISTEN to the answers (too many people question and just keep talking).

Lake View

Arnon and friend Gina 1997.
Hiking the Santa Monica Mountains.

What can I do to become more intelligent?
Throughout your day, don't take the easy route to an answer. Need to add up some costs? Try to do it in your head before pulling out the calculator. Look up every word you read that you don't understand, and work to understand the roots of those words (your vocabulary will grow by leaps and bounds). After an interaction with a person, take some time to review it and consider what may have been behind what was said and what you could have added/changed in the conversation. When you have a question, spend a few minutes thinking through possible answers, before you jump on Google or Quora. And when you read the answers, try to think of other information that might not have been included.

Every moment of every day is an opportunity to sharpen your mind. Even if you don't have the time every day to follow the excellent suggestions given, you DO have time to think in your own life more. At first it will be hard, but that means you are exercising the mental muscle. Over time, you will think faster and be more aware of things in your day. You know you are doing it right when your number of questions in a day is growing. "Judge a person by their questions, rather than their answers" - Voltaire (yes, I looked up that quote before putting it here, and realized I had it wrong before and the wrong person). Always be learning.

Do intelligent people tend to be unhappy? If so, why?
The technical term is "morbid introspection". We always are good at less things than we are not good at. We don't know more things than we know.  As we become more aware of our "failings", it is easy to be burdened by the weight of it. This is actually a bit of ego thinking one has the ability or responsibility to know everything.

After one gets tired of beating oneself up over it (I used to call it "mental self-flagellation"), one begins to realize that one is not expected to know everything and these "failings" are actually opportunities to grow. Historically, those who are the wisest are also the most humble, because the road ahead gets LONGE - one realizes that what one knows is but a drop in the bucket.

How should one react to controversial opinions held by highly intelligent people?

Don't blindly believe what I say. Don't believe me because others convince you of my words. Don't believe anything you see, read, or hear from others, whether of authority, religious teachers or texts. Don't rely on logic alone, nor speculation. Don't infer or be deceived by appearances.

Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion.

Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real. Discover that there are virtuous things and there are non-virtuous things. Once you have discovered for yourself give up the bad and embrace the good.

- The Buddha

If he would say that about his own words, what more of the words of any other wise or intelligent people. We must discriminate with regards to what everyone tells us, no matter how highly we regard what they say in certain subjects.

How can you tell whether someone is wiser than you?
To answer this, one must first define a measurement scale.

I think the wisest are open to the largest set of possibilities, including mine. So a wise one will question intelligently and respectfully, looking to learn the most. Then they will share their opinion (as opinion, not fact) in the best way for me to understand it. They might say it in 100 different ways to 100 different people, because what's important is the concept, not how it's said.

Why is it important to be smart rather than important to be good?
"Good" implies you have skill in the referred to subject. "Smart" implies you can analyze the subject and build more skill, becoming "good", then "better", then "best". One who is smart can usually also continually grow to master multiple subjects.

This implies that it's more important to teach children passion in learning and how to go about it, rather than rote learning. It is more important to learn concepts than details. Learning a multiplication table makes a child "good" (from 1 to 20), but learning why one wants to multiply and how it applies to the real world ("If you want 5 of that toy and each is $6.99, how much do you need?"), they will quickly learn 1 through 20 and far beyond.

Many schools will teach the proper way to write a letter first. Then have them write words and learn spelling. Then sentences and so on, taking years to get "good". My son's school took the "smart" approach, and he wrote a BOOK (literally, all the kids did) in the first semester of kindergarten. Who cares which order he writes a "b" in if it looks like a "b". Who cares how he spells a word initially, as long as it's understandable ("nise" vs. "nice" can be learned later). Instead, he wrote a book about a fictional character he made up. This generates more passion to write and read, where those spellings will be corrected naturally.

Note: the teachers do correct spelling occasionally, but only on about one writing sample in ten ... to keep the momentum in the right direction.


Find your passion, do what makes
you happy, and never stop learning!

In evaluating a new acquaintance, what is the best way to distinguish mental laziness from general stupidity?
The two are functionally the same in my opinion. Assuming you are looking to hire, don't.

That being said, people who are intelligent must have some place to exercise that intelligence. It's like a muscle - if they don't use it, they ARE generally stupid. Therefore, finding out if someone is intelligent requires finding those areas in which they use that muscle. In those areas, they would be enthused and coherent.

I would ask that person what they were interested in and have a discussion about that subject. If they show deep thought and clear understanding of the subject, it means they have intelligence in subjects where they choose to exercise it.  Now, if you want them to exercise it in another subject, you are going to have to find a way to motivate them to be enthusiastic about that subject ...

Do intelligent lazy people achieve more in life than intelligent active people?
I tell people that I'm good because I'm lazy. Rather than trying to power through in the most obvious path, I sit back for a bit to think if there is a more efficient path to what needs to be achieved. I regularly get the same results in one half to one tenth the time.

Let me give some specific examples in software development:

1) Testing is boring, long, and a lot of effort. So I have learned to test in my head. As I'm coding, I'm running through potential flows of the system, and I correct problems before they would ever be head scratchers in testing. It doesn't catch everything, but it reduces testing and searching time significantly.

2) Because I have the ability to have the whole system in my head, I can notice where something is becoming (or will become) repetitive and code a class which takes multiple instances into account.

3) I think ahead to what the logical next steps of the system are in the next 6-12 months, and code those flexibilities into the system. It might take an extra half an hour right now, but it saves hours when marketing/executives ask for it and I say, "Done!"

4) When talking to a client, I'm designing the system in my head down to quite a bit of detail. Many times, I have told them what won't work (for the system or for user interaction) right in the first hour or two of talking to them about requirements. These changes, made halfway into development (or even worse, at user testing), would take much more effort.  Sometimes, alternative ideas I have come up with at these meetings have become the centerpiece of the site, rather than what the client thought they wanted.

Applying extra mental leverage up front allows me to save a lot of time in the end, and increases customer satisfaction.

Cases in point:

a) For a performance management system, my colleagues were proposing (and coding) a 40 table data structure. I proposed an alternative with three tables, one being a hierarchy linking table. This new structure had MUCH more expressive power, and MUCH more flexibility.  It allowed the business owners to change the structure of measurements and their meanings on the fly, literally, and also differently per business unit, where the other structure would have been locked in place (we gave them administration screens to change the structure and calculations). It also allowed both the data warehousing code (PL/SQL which rolled up and down the hierarchy doing calculations) and the database linking code, and the Java code working on the display to be MUCH simpler.

b) Using the principles above, I was able to do a complete restructuring of a large code base for a major site (moving to Hibernate, Spring, and a layered architecture) in two weeks because I was able to test much of it in my head. I was able to change 20-40 classes a day, running tests for everything I had done at the end of the week (or the end of a module). Those who would have been testing each step would have taken two to three months (I know because I have seen it done).

BEWARE:  This does not work for all things! Being efficient with my wife DOES NOT WORK!  She sees it as cold and distant.  She also wants to hear the steps in my thinking, not the jumps that I make. The only thing that laziness buys me at home is that I realize it's more effective to hire someone to clean than do it myself ... and I still get it from my wife if I don't make SOME effort cleaning the dishes or after the kids. Perceived effort is important sometimes here. We had to interview 5 location, 5 bands, etc. etc. for all of our wedding stuff, even though we both knew the first or second was the one we were going with.

Fran Cyn

Arnon, myself, Gina, and Rog, climbed a mountain in 1997 on my birthday - what a happy, beautiful afternoon. Sixteen years later, in 2013 on my birthday, i was in an Oregon hospital visiting Arnon who was battling to save his life.

Are thoughtful people happier or less happy than non-thoughtful people?
It depends on the focus of one's thoughts.

If one focuses on their internal weaknesses and the failings in the world, they take themselves down a vicious circle. The technical term for constant thought on one's weaknesses is "morbid introspection" (I used to call it "mental self-flagellation"). We always are good at less things than we are not good at. We don't know more things than we know. As we become more aware of our "failings", it is easy to be burdened by the weight of it.  Add to that a negative view on the external world, and a thoughtful person will become more and more unhappy.

If one instead chooses to focus on their strengths and the beauty and joy in the world, one begins to realize that one's "failings" are actually opportunities to grow. These ones take joy in the challenge of life and every step along the way. These are likely happier than the one who thoughtlessly takes life as it is without direction, purpose, or passion for growth (as in the example hedonist given by Nan).

There are many variations in between these. Ultimately, it is not one's thoughtfulness that makes one happy or unhappy, but where one focuses one's thought and the interpretation of the evidence around them.

What is the difference between consciousness and mind?
I think of meta-levels. The mind thinks. Consciousness is thought ABOUT thought, meaning thinking about our own thought process and the effects on the world around us. This is where self-awareness begins (the child realizes he is separate from this thing he waves in front of his face).

How does one achieve true objectivity?
One doesn't. We are subjective beings. We can adapt for that subjectivity, but never eliminate it.

How valuable is Myers-Briggs personality typing?
A few years ago, I think I came out as an INTP.  I just took the test again and came out as an INTJ. After reading Paul King's answer, I read both of the descriptions, and both could describe me at different times. Whether I exercise one or the other is really situational or based on my confidence or interest at the time. Very interesting.

How do I get over "analysis paralysis"? I know what I want to accomplish, but I spent too much time thinking and not doing.
Take the first step. Once you are moving in a direction, you will learn more about that direction, and can re-adjust. As others have said, in every step, in any direction, is growth ... even if the only growth is having overcome the fear to take that step.

Arnon Davidovici

Arnon 23 yrs old, out on
the town having fun!


Horses: Do horses celebrate New Year's?

Is there a foolproof way to tell identical twins apart?
Pierce an ear for one of the children  ;)

Is black a color?
My sons use a black crayon ...

Does God have feet?
If God is everywhere and nothing is outside of God, then God has at least 7 billion pairs of human feet and innumerable animal feet, table feet, chair feet and so on.


Indian Restaurant 2007, Arnon
his wife, Gina and her husband.


What does it feel like for a long-time vegetarian to discover they've accidentally consumed meat?

I was recently served chicken soup instead of the vegetable soup I ordered. It was a dark dinner theater, so I didn't notice and just scooped it into my mouth. I noticed the taste was strange, and as I chewed I noticed that the texture was more meaty than expected. I looked at the next spoonful in the dim light to make sure I wasn't fooling myself with a unique vegetable (it's happened before, but more often with fake meats or burgers). Vegetarians need to pay close attention with soups because many have meat base, but this had actual chicken in it. After that, I took it back and got what I ordered.

I didn't have any of the emotions others have stated. It was just a mistake. I was taught long ago, "What goes into your mouth may dirty your body, but what comes out of your mouth can dirty your soul." What one eats comes out in a few hours or a day ... what one says affects their character. When something like this happens, if one gets angry and especially says negative things to the waiter, they may as well have just eaten the meat. It would have had less negative effect on their system.

Should I feel sad while eating animals?
No. Enjoy the food you chose to eat. I say this as a vegetarian. But that's my choice, and have no issue with those who make other choices.


Random Insights.

How could it be argued that imagination is more valuable than knowledge?

Imagination creates hypotheses. Knowledge is the result of testing those hypotheses.

Do the same laws of physics apply everywhere in the cosmos?
To be honest, we don't know. We assume so and test those hypotheses through telescopes, but there may be exceptions to the rules.

Assuming Moore's law will be correct for the next 100 years. How long do we have before artificial intelligence takes over the planet?

What if there are phenomena possible in this Universe, in which one needs to believe first, in order to understand/observe rather than understand/observe in order to believe?
As I was reading through these answers, it occurred to me that observation bias plays a big role here. Some people can have the truth put right in their face, but will not see it. It always comes back to whether or not someone accepts (believes) the axioms on which logic is based, and the evidence which leads to conclusions.

Some other historical and modern cases which everyone believes in now:

a) Global Climate Change ... only those who accepted the evidence ("believed") could see the trend.

b) The earth goes around the sun (people didn't believe it even when evidence was given ... until they did)

c) The earth is round (though I've seen other questions on Quora that say people back then weren't as disbelieving as popular stores say).

Additionally, there is what one could call perception bias (or "I'll believe it when I see it"). It is fair to say that that which we can cannot perceive is MUCH more than what we can perceive. Mankind has built tools to detect things outside of our perception and translate them to perceivable signals (microscopes, x-ray detectors, etc). However we have just begun to build these detectors. One must have a hypothesis and believe in such hypothesis to even conceive of building such a detector.

Lastly, I had another thought (which one could call mass belief effects): If enough people believe that stock X will go up, you will see it.

What did Nietzsche mean when he said "if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you"?
Notice he said "stare" or "gaze long", not just look into the abyss. As you think deeply (about anything), that thought changes you.

What's the insight inside "the truth will set you free"?
It is the process of thinking about what is true that allows you to escape delusions. Thinking deeply takes effort. The reason that they are called "mass delusions" is that the masses are mentally lazy, and will accept the truth that is most convenient, even if it does not serve them. "The truth will set you free" is about the process, not the end goal.

What are some theoretically possible ways to achieve faster than light communication?


Arnon is the blond on the left with the red heart. He inherited his super intelligence from his parents and grand-parents.


As a top high school student, how can I deal with depression and frustration stemming from the fact that high school has largely been an unenjoyable waste of time for me?

Just one additional note: your adult life does not necessarily have to be mindless work. I noticed a lot of people saying that. Some of it may be, but if you do what you enjoy, most of it is enjoyable and mentally stimulating.

I agree with what many said about taking the time to do additional work. Don't feel trapped; feel happy that you have time to study what you love. My entire adult life I have had two simultaneous (and sometimes changing) careers, each with multiple projects. I don't have too many chances to get bored. In school, I studied ahead, and asked what I thought were cooler questions.

I wish I had thought of what others stated here to make the study of my fellow students a second career ... What motivates them? What are their fears and joys? What are their strengths and weaknesses? That study will be time well spent and serve you well.

What data structures does the human brain use?
This can be answered at many levels. Technically, the brain stores information in the chemical and electrical composition of the neuron and in it's connections to other neurons.

But I choose to answer at a level that is more practical to our daily lives. Sometime in high school, I figured out how my mind organized information. It puts related facts in folders where my mind organized them into coherent responses. These folders have connections to other folders in related subjects or higher levels (meta-levels) of the same subject.

When I realized this, I found that if I didn't understand a subject, I could imagine a folder with a title and just dump all the information in there. At a certain point, once a critical mass of information was in the folder, it would start to self-organize and gel into understanding. To this day, I still create a title first whenever I am starting a project or trying to understand something (I have a big one I'm working on labelled "Happy Wife"). The folder title doesn't have to be "right"; it just needs to be indicative. What is important is the folder.

I don't really know the structure inside the folder, but that is probably the way it should be. Initially I just pile things in there when I don't understand. Eventually, I start to understand some of the connections inside the folder. Then the structure grows from there, sometimes splitting into sub-folders as I understand the sub domains better.

It was only years later that I saw studies that framed the mind structure in similar ways. Now they have "mind maps" As a tool (I don't use these but it's similar in some ways).

Arnon loved being in a classroom
both as a teacher or student.

Do more intelligent students benefit less from homework than other students in any given class? How about an answer from an intelligent student. What qualifies me as an intelligent student?

* Graduated 10th in my class at a Magnet High School for gifted children.
* 4.1 HS GPA (this school put an A grade at 4 and an A+ at 4.33).
* 1470 SAT score (back when SATs went to 1600).
* 3.75 college GPA - Magna Cum Laude honors.
* Graduated college with 2 majors and 3 minors and 1.5 times the credits I needed to graduate.

I WANTED to learn more. When I was young, I would take things apart to learn more about them. If I hadn't been given homework, I would have researched additional things. The homework helped to guide my studies. My standard work in late HS and college was to do the next day's reading so that I could ask more intelligent questions in class the next day. I noticed that knocking the teacher off the standard teaching track gave all of us more, because it also brought out more passion from the teacher and showed their deep understanding of the subject. I STILL learn constantly. If I don't understand a word that I'm reading, I look it up (rather than just let it pass by) and I look at the roots of that word so that I can see if I can apply it in other contexts. There are a multitude of opportunities to always be learning.

It is a fallacy to believe that a teacher can teach 25+ students all at their individual level. Homework brings more individuality into learning, allowing students to learn at their own pace, and review many times (which would disrupt the class). Imagine having a student like me who wanted all the extra stuff, and a student who is struggling to understand the basics. One teacher has a hard time serving both equally. Homework allowed me to extend. I like some of the current models (like is encouraged by Khan Academy) where the rote teaching is given as homework, and the teacher is more a coach than a repeater of rote information year after year (I don't mean to deride teachers here by any stretch).

Yes, parents have a significant impact on the child's ability and dedication to learning, but I disagree that most parents don't care. I believe that some parents don't know where to start and don't have the time. I have two little ones now, and my wife has been going through workbooks with each of them since before they were three years old. They consider it FUN, rather than a chore, because that's how she makes it (thank God for my wife). They are passionate about reading because my wife makes it into a fun activity to do. I would also add that the quality of teachers also has a huge impact on how a student responds to learning (I was lucky in this regards, and aim for my children to be as well).

I currently have two simultaneous careers (plus two little ones) and although I constantly learn on the job, I miss the times when I could just pick up a book and learn more about a subject. My reading list keeps growing, but unfortunately, I don't make much impact on it on a regular basis (thank God for my wife being an encouraging, dedicated coach with the children, because I don't have the time to be there for them that much).

To put this in context, I graduated HS in 1992 and college in 1997 (I took a year off to be an entrepreneur). This was before 'No Child Left Behind' and the focus on passing tests. I hear that the level of homework has gotten excessive these days, but I don't have direct experience to judge by. 

Luckily, the administrator at the public school where my children are going spends absolutely no time on the standardized tests. He focuses on providing a high standard of education, and encouraging the kids to love learning. The kids take the tests and pass at a very high rate. This is the #3 school in the country - counting both public and private schools. Again, thank God for my wife for doing all the research to find the best school :).

What are some of the most useful online resources for parents with young children?
It depends what you mean by young, but my kids started using at 3 yrs old.

Facebook June 2012 - The children:
"Feeling the love ... my youngest boy, to win an argument with his older brother, says "Dad said so, and Dad is right about EVERYTHING!!!" I need to take him to my next work meeting ... or discussion with my wife."



How much power does the President of United States really have?

Anonymous had a great list for the powers he has, but one man only has so much attention. So he appoints people to lead these various powers. The truth is only so much intelligence and so many decisions would filter up to him. 

So although he has the final say and ultimate responsibility, he doesn't actually exercise these powers on a daily or even monthly basis. There are many other people who actually exercise and utilize these powers on his behalf.

So how much power is REALLY his and how much is theirs? I guess that depends on his attention at any given time. If they don't screw up, and play the political game well, they can be appointed across various Presidents, and thus the power is really theirs.

Would US citizens be served better if there were more members of Congress?
Congress has a hard enough time coming to a consensus NOW! Adding more members would make this harder. With more members, there would be more opinions and amendments, bringing debate to a crawl.

There is a certain size team in any organization that is effective for getting things done. Congress already breaks into committees to do this, but then they bring decisions back to 500 other members who have no expertise in the given subject. Not that I blame them; it's not possible to know everything.


Proud father to be 2005.


What are the best telecommuting jobs?

I've found that companies who have nationwide offices seem to have people used to communicating on the phone and online meeting software regularly. Nationwide teams are part of the way of life. I used to travel to a company office to just sit on the phone all day. Now I sit at home and no one (except those who I tell) know the difference. And I don't know when my colleagues are working from the office or home that day.

Are telephone calls an inefficient mode of communication?
Most ways to look at this are subjective. But from a cost perspective, depending on your plan, you generally pay more for the data for Skype voice calls than you do for standard mobile voice minutes.

What was daily life like before the internet?
I used to have to watch TV (or record it) when the cable company said!

Loren--Anthony Robbins

Loren Slocum and Tony Robbins.
Outstanding magic moments 1990's.

Anthony Robbins.

"How often do you get a huge new understanding of something you learned 10-20 years ago? It helps having several geniuses as teachers. Have one (or several) teachers whose books you read or classes you take. Sometimes it's like I have little copies of them in my head, discussing and coming out with new pearls of wisdom!"

"Last night I was talking with a friend who was asking about how I deal with "difficult" people. As I was forming the answer (not that I'm an expert, but I have some experience), I realized that I only used one need of what Tony taught as SIX needs. That was something I learned 18 years ago, and now I got a whole new level to the teaching! A gift that keeps on giving!"

"I recommend reading and learning from Master Choa Kok Sui and Tony Robbins. The beauty of these genius teachers is that not only do they have teachings that keep on giving, but they also recommend other great teachers and books. If you read, think, and put things together, your life will continue to improve even years AFTER you have read the books." Extracts from Arnon's Facebook - Written May 2011

Sunset Over Oregon.

Oregon Sunset

Arnon crossed over around 6pm.
July 23rd 1974 to December 21st 2013.

'Bear' has begun a new journey but all i have to do is close my eyes and i see his beautiful smile and i feel his essence.

During his illness, i deeply researched, then wrote and added two new pages to guide cancer patients and their families on this journey ...

Kill Cancer
Checklist for cancer patients
- alternative vs conventional.

Diagnosis Cancer
What IS cancer - understand it and heal.



Until we meet again XOX

To honor Arnon's memory, his family and friends have chosen to give donations in his name to:
Israel Children's Cancer Foundation - a non-profit organization

This charity was decided on for these reasons: Arnon was born in Israel, he lives on through his two little boys,
he loved to tithe and give to others, it's non-profit, and because cancer took his life on earth.

Introduction - Choices,
guidance, and natural therapies.

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